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Author Archives: Ryan Olson
The curry test
I was camping last weekend when my group decided to duck into a local market for some ice. While they went to make their purchase, I walked around and decided to look for some curry sauce mix. I wasn’t planning … Continue reading
Posted in World at large
Tagged Asian food, curry, food, S&B, shopping, tests
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What the media companies giveth, they can taketh away
In just two days, I’ve seen a pair of reminders of the power media providers have when it comes to providing access to content. These providers are Amazon and Comcast. On a national scale, some people have been crying foul … Continue reading
Generic ‘Chico’ T-shirts a disservice
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to show your hometown pride, but I wouldn’t recommend doing it with this frightfully misleading “Greetings from Chico” T-shirt. It says it’s from Chico, but it could really be from Anytown, U.S.A. I don’t want … Continue reading
Tennis grunting and you
Much has been made of professional tennis players who grunt or otherwise emit loud noises as they swing at the tennis ball. BBC News did a large piece on it in late June. About 10 days later, ABC News did … Continue reading
Posted in World at large
Tagged grunt, noises, Oasis, table tennis, tennis
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A matter of Deja “Sue”
I experienced a moment of deja vu involving dinosaurs. As part of my gig at Northstate Public Radio, I read public-service announcements of upcoming events. One of the ongoing events is for the “A T-Rex Named Sue” exhibit at the … Continue reading
Posted in Travels
Tagged Chicago, deja vu, dino, Field Museum, Redding, Sue, T. Rex, Turtle Bay
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Farewell, Utah liquor law that never directly affected me
This is going to be a weird post because it’s about a liquor law from my homestate of Utah that I never really ran into, but I could have — before today. In the past, bars were “private clubs” where … Continue reading
Fighting back against excess airline fees
I don’t fly the major air carriers very often. An experience with onerous fees during a recent trip makes it even less likely that I’ll choose to fly them again in the future. At issue is the fact that airlines … Continue reading
Winners and losers in the digital TV conversion
I want to check out some winners and losers with the recent switch to digital TV over-the-air signals. Depending on where you live or what you like to watch, the switch had some pretty interesting outcomes. Here’s a quick look … Continue reading
‘Jon and Kate’ to do something that rhymes with ‘8’
Tonight is the night where there is supposed to be some sort of pay off for months of hype regarding Jon and Kate Gosselin. The couple will make a “major announcement” on their show tonight (airing at 9 p.m. ET). … Continue reading
Posted in TV, Film and Radio
Tagged Jon, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Kate, reality TV, TLC
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Hasta la vista, Leno
Tonight is the last “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno. Although he’s not leaving our screens forever — he’ll be on in a new show at 10 p.m. this fall — I thought I would watch the finale and write a … Continue reading