Category Archives: La vida Chico

Presenting my 2008 Chico Christmas card

As diehard readers know — I’ve been working on a Chico-themed Christmas card for 2008. A lot of people, myself included, wanted me to create the Sierra Nevada Santa. However, logistics and time constraints made that really difficult to do. … Continue reading

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Do-it-yourself TV antenna

I recently purchased a DTV converter box for my secondary TV (using the $40 coupon from the guv’ment). Unlike my larger, living-room TV which uses cable, I have a smaller TV that still uses an antenna. I plugged everything in … Continue reading

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OK, now I have to find a Santa suit

Perhaps I have bitten off more than I can chew. In an earlier post, I asked you — the reader — to help me pick my Chico-themed Christmas card. In what amounts to overwhelming response for both me and my … Continue reading

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Making a Chico-themed Christmas card – Help me decide

Ah, the holidays. It’s the time of year when we turn our thoughts to Christmas, the overwrought and overfought War on the War Against Christmas, the other holidays and stuff. This also means Christmas cards, gifts and more. While there … Continue reading

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R.I.P. Normal Street Bar

Walking past the slightly inaccurately named Normal Street Bar on Monday yielded an interesting surprise — the longtime watering hole on Normal Avenue has closed its doors. Blank spots marked where the bar’s signage was taken down including the iconic … Continue reading

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Ah, hobo stew

Some of my friends have been scratching their heads because I’ve been mentioning something called “hobo stew.” I mentioned it on my Facebook account, but I started the references in an e-mail to colleagues for a luncheon. Here’s the relevant … Continue reading

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

This weekend will likely be a glorious celebration of the end of summer. I hope you have time to attend a cool musical event that will help the victims of this year’s wildfires. At 9 p.m. Saturday, Nick’s Night Club … Continue reading

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The four-day weekend begins

Heading home from work tonight showed that the four-day Labor Day weekend has begun. It’s a three-day weekend for us working stiffs, but it appears that most Chico State students have Friday off so they’ve stretched the festivities into another … Continue reading

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A desire called streetcar

Over the years, some have expressed an interest in bringing back streetcars to Chico. After all, once upon a time, streetcar lines threaded through the heart of Chico. Some cars went all the way to San Francisco. My colleague Vince … Continue reading

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Panorama from the fires

I was shooting some photos around the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds last Thursday just after firefighters had received their marching orders and were about to head to the hills to fight fires. A member of the West Sacramento Fire Department was … Continue reading

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