Category Archives: La vida Chico

More local changes

I’ve noticed two small local changes that have have been on my mind over the past few weeks. When the heck is Cold Stone Creamery’s downtown location going to reopen? It’s been closed for weeks with just a sign on … Continue reading

Posted in La vida Chico | 1 Comment

Two pianists enter a bar …

… and only one leaves. You would expect more violence when you read about dueling pianos, but both performers survived. I didn’t quite know what to expect when I walked into 33 Steaks, Booze and Jazz last Friday, but I … Continue reading

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BuzzBlog Team coverage

If you read my entry on Normal Street, you would’ve gotten some of the first skinny on the situation before today’s story in the Enterprise-Record. While I would pat myself on the back for this “scoop,” I realize even a … Continue reading

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Something’s not “Normal” around here …

Pop quiz, hot shot. Without looking on a map, what’s the name of the missing road in this sequence: Broadway Street, Salem Street, ????, Chestnut Street. If you get your geography lessons from taverns and bars, you’d identify it as … Continue reading

Posted in La vida Chico | 2 Comments

The return of El Rey

Over the weekend, I was driving past El Rey theater and noticed a large, tan bin filled with what appeared to be trashed seats. I felt a little regret at the cushy seats being tossed aside, but I’m glad to … Continue reading

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