by Tina Grazier

Do we care?

America is not just a land mass; it is a precious idea and must be defended on all fronts. We need to care in this case because the mission and goals of this organization are anti-American. The activities they foster and support bring chaos and struggle to every area of our lives. Ultimately they are about rendering the Constitution invalid. We should all be aware of this organization and take notice when they use both influence and force to undermine our way of life, to change the outcome of our elections and to damage the goals and efforts of our government to secure our freedoms.

There were three things that struck me as noteworthy as I read through this material. One is that anarcho-communists are themselves a small elite? class. I have no doubt that if they were able to organize and create a global anarcho-communist state they would put themselves in charge and choose a sock puppet of some kind to ACT as leader. The second thing Im certain of is that their vision of global utopia? would send the working class people? into a vodka bottle of despair, just as it did in the old Soviet Union, with hopes, dreams, creativity and ambition disallowed and suppressed. The model they propose would have the working class standing in line for toilet paper and bread. It would bring to a halt the innovative ideas and products we enjoy. It could eventually lead to a Mad Max kind of world where the words flush toilet no longer apply to anything recognizable or remembered. The third thing is just a hunch. I would bet that this group is made up of wealthy elites longing for purpose in their lives simply because they do not themselves need to struggle for much of anything.

Lets hope that in their efforts to act as a forum where ideas and experiences between militants can be discussed? they spend so much time fighting with each other that they end up leaving us alone. In a free society, we can but hopeand remain eternally vigilant.

Information about NEFAC posted at

What is it?

The Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists is a bilingual (French and English) organization of revolutionaries based in the northeastern region of North America “who identify with the communist tradition within anarchism.”

“We recognize that a successful revolution can only be carried out directly by the working class,” says NEFAC. “However, we believe this must be preceded by organizations able to radicalize mass movements and popular struggles, combat authoritarian and reformist tendencies, act as a forum where ideas and experiences between militants can be discussed, and provide a vehicle for the maximum political impact of anarcho-communist ideas within the working class.”

And this isnt authoritarian? Just asking.


Create “a classless, stateless, non-hierarchical society”

bring an end to patriarchy, white supremacy and class domination; smash State power; expropriate the wealth of the rich; abolish the wage system and market economy; and socialize the means of production and distribution for the benefit of society as a whole. This means nothing short of social revolution, which can only emerge from autonomous social movements and the revolutionary self-activity of the working class.”

Expropriate, End, Smashthese sound like authoritarian acts of supremacy or patriarchythey are at least exceedingly intolerant.

Goals and aims- a three-pronged approach

“study and theoretical development,
anarchist agitation and propaganda, and
intervention in the class struggle.”

has led NEFAC to play an active role in the anti-globalization movement, anti-war activism, international solidarity, prisoner support, workplace and community organizing, anti-fascist struggles, and anti-poverty work”

abolish the wage system and socialize all industries, means of production and distribution,”

We seek to abolish all forms of capitalism[which] creates a society divided into two antagonistic social classes: a small, elite ruling class and a large, exploited working class.”

Propagandathats code for purposeful lying.

The last word:

“True liberation can only be attained by social revolution. While we don’t fetishize violence or armed struggle, we understand it will require revolutionary force on the part of the working class to bring about social emancipation. We advocate radicalization of every struggle.”

Among NEFAC’s crusades is the effort to free such “political prisoners” as Tom Manning, who bombed Mobil Oil and U.S. military targets, and members of Red and Anarchist Skinheads, who have been charged with explosives- and weapons-related offenses.?

But they dont fetishize violence or armed struggle?oh, well, that makes all the difference! This is why every true American must and should pay attention and care!

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