Disturbing Statistics

by Jack Lee

The allegation: A new survey says more than 650,000 Iraqis have lost their lives as a consequence of the invasion by the United States and Britain, with an estimated 200,000 violent deaths directly attributable to Allied forces. “This is 20 times higher than President George Bush claimed 11 months ago – and will add considerable weight to the calls of those seeking a withdrawal of troops” says the report..

The response: The Iraqi government put the official death toll at around 40,000. George W. Bush says the report is not credible – an opinion echoed by US General in Iraq, George Casey: “The 650 000 number seems way, way beyond any number that I have seen. I’ve not seen a number higher than 50 000. And so I don’t give that much credibility at all.”

Not that long ago, this anti-war website claimed as did many others, “As many as 10,000 non-combatant civilian deaths during 2003 have been reliably reported so far as a result of the US/UK-led invasion and occupation of Iraq . These reports provide figures which range between a minimum of 8,235 and a maximum of 10,079 as of Saturday 7th February 2004.” Now we’re supposed to believe it’s 650,000 in 2006?

Sectarian fighting has resulted in the majority of deaths and although it’s been increasing due to “hit squads” knocking off other “hit squads”, it hasn’t changed by 2000%!!!! Obviously, someone is very wrong or lying and it appears it’s the liberal left once again. There is simply no evidence to back up the lefts latest outlandish claim of 650,000 deaths, all they have is a formula for estimating deaths and this based on the interviews with only 1400 familes. Yet, this new figure is touted as fact. It’s all over the news and people hear it so much, they believe it must be true. If Bush refutes it, the public is predisposed to believe he is lying and it only makes him look worse.

“I don’t see how you can lead this country to succeed in Iraq if you say wrong war, wrong time, wrong place. What message does that send our troops? What message does that send to our allies? What message does that send the Iraqis?” George W. Bush I don’t see how we are ever going to win against people who claim we caused 650,000 deaths and crank out other outrageous lies every day. How do we win when the left encourages the terrorists by running down our government and calling our President the worlds biggest terrorist? How do we win when our American left joins with the leftists of the world and encourages the sectarian violence by forcing our troops to play nice or the lawyers looking over your shoulder will get you. What war in history has ever been won with some dissention, undermining and legal technicalities favoring the enemy? None that I know…that’s why we will NOT WIN IN IRAQ under these conditions. Either we defeat our leftist enemy at home and pull together as one people united or we might as well just pull out of Iraq right now and let the terrorists have it.

When Iraq becomes a terrorist state and creates a Shia corridor from Iran to Egypt, our worst nightmare will have been realized. When we start getting direct terrorist attackson our soil, it will be because too many people on the left failed to be the adults. They acted like a bunch of fat, lazy, socialists wimps.

Then, we’re all going to suffer. The left will get exactly what they deserve, unfortunately this will have to happen to the right too, but it will smarten up and motivate enough people to bring this country back on track and then maybe we can finish the job!

Whatever we do in Iraq, stay or pull out, it ought to be based on reality, not some phoney figures done up for someone’s hidden political agenda!

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