We may not win…

This comment was worth page 1. Jack

This is from Tina, who replied to this question: ““How do we win when the left encourages the terrorists by running down our government and calling our President the worlds biggest terrorist?”

We may not win…we may not survive…that’s a given when people are being raised to believe that killing other people honors them and their families and provides a stairway to heaven where 40 virgins await the testosterone overload that is a young man’s brainl! That’s a given when Americans are cavalier in their attitudes and forget that in America an election happens and the winner becomes the LEADER…we have asked him to take

the responsibility and make the decisions, particularly in times of war. There are times for discussion and debate and contest…this isn’t one of them…but they don’t care.

But to answer your question you are doing exactly what one person can do when we find ourselves in these circumstances. Continue to inform yourself and expose and defeat the enemies of freedom and decency…wherever they may be.

I keep wondering how differently this war would have gone if liberals around the world had either gagged themselves or taken a firm and absolute stand against terrorists and supporters of terrorism. The war effort turned not because we got bogged down but because the people went wobbly…the people are the power to be feared in an effort because of their will. The troops are empowered to do the hard work because of the support (power) behind them. Liberals just don’t get that that’s how you defeat bullies…you overpower them with the might of united will. And this enemy is not funny or easy or stupid or undedicated.

GWB has to make difficult decisions. In the best of circumstances this is very tough. Having to do it with daily attacks, with criticism and betrayal by your own people, is beyond comprehension, especially when the enemy is so barbaric and unreasonable and unjustified and just plain evil. It disgusts me.

But, this is the nature of liberal politics. They support the enemy whether they see it or not, whether they mean to or not, that is the result of their exercised “right” of free speech. Responsibility is not in their vocabulary…as with self-interested two year olds…anything goes! Then when disasters occur they wonder what happened…and then they blame it all on someone or something else, the republicans for instance. As I said it disgusts me.

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