A Culture of Corruption

by Jack Lee

While democrats point out Bush’s low voter approval numbers, down to a mere 34%, congress rates even lower at a pathetic 30%. What’s worse is, nearly 75% of those polled felt members of Congress see themselves above the law. This looks like it’s a pox upon BOTH their houses and that isn’t good for America.

Thanks mainly to Congressman Foley, “Fewer Republicans, though, now say they are enthusiastic about voting in

November, and fewer expect their party to win the most seats this year. Overall, 59 percent of voters, including 41 percent of Republicans, expect the Democrats to pick up seats in the House in November.” Said CBS. Obviously the two most recent Congressional scandals have really hurt the GOP. However, in the overall number of corruption scandals, the Democratic Party is the clear winner. They have no right to preach to the GOP about morals, that privilage must now fall to the voters and if they are smart, they will start voting the bums out of office, right and left!

It pains me to even bring this stuff up, but it’s for the good of the country that we all see the big picture when it comes to corruption, not just what the democrats push for political gains. Remember Congressman William Jefferson and the money in the freezer? How about Gary Studds (Congressional Page incident), Barney Frank (prostitution incident) or how about New Jersey Gov. James. E. McGreevey…he hired a $100,000 a year male employee just for sex. These are all democrats and there are tons more. Want to refresh your memory about all the democratic scandals in the past few decades so you have some sense of balance while considering the recent GOP scandals? Check out this site.

It’s been suggested that the smartest thing we could do is just vote em all out and start over. I can’t find a lot of fault with that either…in fact it becomes more appealing the closer we get to election time.

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