American’s Don’t Like Liberal Talk Radio?

by Jack Lee

The left-wing’s answer to popular right leaning talk shows, Air America Radio, just filed for Chapter 11, thus proving what we knew all along: Bashing our country, sucking up to our enemies and preaching doom and gloom, somehow doesn’t resonate well with most Americans. Now, who wouldda guess that one???

Most people who have tuned in to talk radio in the past 30 years are better informed and more involved in the democratic process than those who don’t, that’s a given. So, when Air America arrived on the scene two years ago to penetrate this huge market, they had to lure away fans from the top 10 talk shows. Their message didn’t cut it. True to form they are still in denial, they say their trouble doesn’t come from their message. It’s right-wing radio station managers, it’s a conspiracy by fatcat corporations, it’s GOP operatives, it’s anything else, …..but it can’t be OUR LEFTIST MESSAGE!

Air America claimed they would be welcomed by a public desperate to escape all the rightwing radio shows that have been enjoying huge ratings. They told their original sponsors that Air America was on a fast track and growing exponentially, they were going to sweep over the country to chagrin of people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannady. Instead, bill collectors are threatening to knock them off the air. They’ve been in turmoil almost since the beginning and they went through several CEO’s to no avail and fought off a host of financial problems until Friday, when it all came crashing down.

What happened to all those listeners? Where are all those sponsors?

It was just one month ago that spokesman Al Franken, denied Air America was close to filing bankruptcy. Then in a recent AP story, “On Friday, Air America spokeswoman Jaime Horn told The Associated Press that the filing became necessary only recently after negotiations with a creditor from the company’s early days broke down.” Air America will remain on the air while they beg for the type of relief that kept those non-competitive communist companies going in the old USSR.

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