Three Things to Ponder-for the Common Good

by Tina Grazier

1. James Toranto reports a “new” liberal democrat slogan: “common good

“It’s a core value that we think organizes the entire political agenda for progressives… With the rise of materialism, greed and corruption in American society, people want a return to a better sense of community–sort of a shared sacrifice, a return to the ethic of service and duty.” John Halpin, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Rise of materialism? Only during republican terms of course! And with these guys it’s always about greed…but so many of them have lots and lots of money…so maybe it’s really about their GUILT. Why should we let them decide how we should live and what to do with our money? Guilt is a lousy reason to make law…and a lousier reason to think they really care about the common good. And a rise in corruption? They wrote the book …decades ago…this high road stuff doesn’t quite fit in the progressive bag of tricks.

2. National Review’s “The Week” reveals a new high in higher education:

Washington State University now has a Chief Diversity Officer with a full time staff of 55 and a $3 million annual budget”

…so that’s where the education dollars go, right down a diversity hole pretending to be for the common good!

3. Phyllis Schlafly points out that sometimes things take patience, commitment, time and…talk about a strong will:

With hindsight, we can now see that the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 started the unraveling of Soviet communism that finally came to pass in 1991.”

Good thing they didn’t loose heart, go hide in the corner…or cut and run!!! Imagine democracy in the Middle East, as long as you’re in to “imagining” for the common good!

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