Pelosi Takes Another Spin

by Tina Grazier

A few months ago the Washington Post reported that Nancy Palosi, while speaking for her party, said the first thing they would do is “launch a series of investigations, including the run-up to the war.” She went on to say that “impeachment was not on the agenda”, but added: “You never know where it leads to.”

On “CBS’s “60 Minutes” last Sunday she made the “no impeachment” promise an official pledge:

“Yes, it is a pledge,” she said. “Of course it is.”

After declaring impeachment a “waste of time” she went on to say:

“Wouldn’t they just love it if we came in and our record as Democrats coming forth after 12 years is to talk about George Bush and Dick Cheney? This election is about them. This is a referendum on them. Making them lame ducks is good enough for me.”

Of course everyone knows that pledges are meant to be broken…you never know where a series of investigations might lead…wink, wink.

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