Monthly Archives: January 2009

Dying in Kentucky – FEMA Slow Prez…No Show

Posted by Tina Obama hates white people and wants them to die, by Rick Moran – American Thinker ** With nearly 1.5 million people in the mid-west without power during a cold snap, what other possible reason is there that … Continue reading

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Obama Praises Iraqis

Posted by Tina “Obama praises Iraqis on provincial elections” – AP ** President Barack Obama is congratulating Iraqis on their provincial elections. *** He says the elections for provincial councils were significant and peaceful. The president calls the voting an … Continue reading

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Arnolds Folly – Californias Fate

Posted by Tina The flailing fiscal fate of California has been further solidified by the Governors stubborn, foolish global warming regulatory stance. The state of our state makes it perfectly clear…this is no time to dig in our heels on … Continue reading

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Murdoch to President Fix American Schools

Posted by Tina Murdoch canes US teachers, Paola Totaro, Davos, Switzerland The Age (AU) ** RUPERT Murdoch has issued a combative challenge to the Obama Administration: take on the American teaching unions to rescue America’s failing education system. *** Speaking … Continue reading

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Knowing the Enemy Taking a Stand

Posted by Tina We read and hear about the war from journalists who may or may not know what theyre talking about. Clearly much of the reporting on the Iraq war was about why we should get out, or why … Continue reading

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10 Things You should Avoid Saying

1. Green: Environmental buzzwords are getting the axe this year. “Green” and “going green” received the most nominations. If something is good for the environment, just say so. As Kermit the Frog would say, “It isn’t easy being green.” 2. … Continue reading

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Buy American Sparks Heated Debate

By David Goldman NEW YORK ( — A debate is brewing at home and abroad over an economic stimulus measure that would require materials used in the program’s infrastructure projects to be purchased from American companies. In the $819 … Continue reading

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Fun Facts (Reprint from Post Scripts 2006)

In the 1400’s a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have “the rule of thumb” Many years ago in Scotland, a new … Continue reading

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By Bruce Sessions ********** FRIDAY SPECIAL ************* One of the many campaign promises put forth by Barak Obama included health care for all. It was an easy promise to make and a gullible public ate it up. Health care is … Continue reading

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BY Jack Lee Another round of home foreclosures is about to hit us and banks are bracing for what could be the most costly defaults to date. These are the upper end prime jumbo-loans that average around $750,000 each. Jobless … Continue reading

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