Soros and Co. Is This the Kind of Change You Had in Mind?

Posted by Tina

Is there anyone in America who honestly believes Al Franken has legally won that Senate seat in Minnesota? I swear this race has to be the most colossal act ever staged in American politics and yes, we all have a stake in the outcome. As for Minnesotans, they should be up in arms. If we peek under the “official” surface, or should I say circus, we find an ugly clown, a la the “Joker” of Batman fame. This is a man who ultimately fancies himself in control of politics worldwide. He is the very egomaniacle, very wealthy, Mr. George Soros. According to Ed Lasky at American Thinker his slight of hand tactics have been in play from even before this race began:

The Soros Connection in the Minnesota Senate Race Vote Count, by Ed Lasky American Thinker

** At least two entities funded by Soros and his plutocrat wannabe pals have prepared the soil for the contentious and suspicious process of tabulating and recounting the vote totals of incumbent Senator Norm Coleman and challenger Al Franken. *** …the Democracy Alliance, a network of wealthy Democratic activists…have formed a network designed to influence the course of American elections and policies. Billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the founders of this group, but he has joined with other billionaires, such as insurance magnate Peter Lewis and Herb and Marion Sandler, founders of Golden West Financial (sold to Wachovia) Soros, Lewis, and the Sandlers form the core of a network of wealthy activists and Democrat partisans making up Democracy Alliance. *** A partial roster of the Democracy Alliance membership can be found here. Directors also include union leaders with access to union funds to engage in politicking. The politically hyper-active Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is engaged in these efforts, too. *** Taco Bell millionaire Rob McKay is a key figure in funding and running this effort. He is the chair of the Democracy Alliance. The vice-chair is Anna Burger of the SEIU. *** One part of the political strategy of the group has been a project called the Secretary of States Project. The goal has been to help elect Secretaries of State in targeted states across the nation. *** Secretaries of state are crucial in elections, since these officials are charged with ensuring the integrity of the voting and counting process. They are the gatekeepers: helping to decide who is entitled to vote and who is not. In Ohio, the Democrat Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner was widely criticized (at least among Republicans) for her efforts in the last few months, which were perceived to favor Barack Obama. *** History seems to be repeating itself in Minnesota where that state’s Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, was also elected with the help of the Secretary of States project. He has operated in a very partisan way during the contest between Franken and Coleman, for example making statements that the Coleman campaign is “trying to win at any price” and then denying he said it. *** More significant than outrageous statements being made are the actions being taken. *** As the Wall Street Journal noted the “corrections” being made favor Al Franken in such a way that raises suspicions about the integrity of the process being overseen by Ritchie. The Powerline blog has had a running commentary on one suspicious action after another which give the correction process a very blue tinge. Among the “irregularities” are: misplaced ballots turning up in an officials trunk and errors in reporting vote totals almost entirely for the Senate race and no others **

We can be sure Mr. Soros has covered his bets and is working within the thin margins of the law. We can also be sure that he is using campaign laws to subvert and fix elections by funneling (ethically you might call it laundering) big chunks of cash through 527 groups created and funded by him and his monied buddies. The man is buying elections and putting people in positions of power to facilitate cheating when necessary. Proving that would be next to impossible, still, I am not an idiot nor are you.


The second article reveals Mr. Soros’s more personal interest in the Minnesota race…pegged as seething resentment:

Why Soros wants Norm Coleman out of the Senate, by Ed Lasky American Thinker

** Norm Coleman was the chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and as such took a leading role in uncovering and investigating the United Nations oil-for-food scandal. *** Coleman was the leader in the Senate when it came to scrutinizing the operations of the United Nations; he appeared frequently in the media. The United Nations had never before come under such public criticism in the Senate. The mandarins and their fellow travelers were made very uncomfortable by the work of Senator Coleman. *** This scandal involved not just negligence of the UN officials that set up and monitored the program (which immeasurably helped keep Saddam Hussein in power and, in a sense, helped create the conditions for the invasion of Iraq), but also involved corruption that reached the highest levels at the United Nations. *** Coleman was dogged in his pursuit of the wrongdoers at the UN. The investigation tarnished the image of Mark Malloch Brown (UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s deputy and right-hand man at the UN) who was seen as spinning away any culpability of Annan and the UN itself in this travesty of a program. Coleman thereby clearly earned the wrath of George Soros, for the ties between Brown and Soros are tight and seemingly mutually beneficial. *** Soros provided an apartment of very advantageous rates for Brown… *** Upon leaving the UN under the cloud that Coleman helped create, Brown was named the vice-president of the Quantum Fund run by his friend George Soros. Brown had no experience in the hedge fund world, but such sinecures are generously passed out by billionaires wanting friends that might reach high places — they are an investment… *** Mark Malloch Brown, who had previously worked at the World Bank, had been in the running to succeed Paul Wolfowitz as head of the World Bank. That would be yet another friend in a high place — that Soros collects like so many cards in a deck. Since the World Bank often helps private businesses in their investments, this friend in a high place would have been particularly valuable to George Soros, who invests billions of dollars in the type of lesser-developed nations on which the World Bank focuses. David Asman of Fox News called Mark Malloch Brown George Soros’s “Ace in the Hole” at the World Bank when it appeared that Brown was vying for the top job at the Bank. Asman noted that Brown would be in a prime position to help Soros play the currency markets since currency traders’ bets on currency are made with many things in mind — the state of the local economy, trade relations, political stability, etc. But the most valuable weapon in a currency trader’s arsenal is inside information; finding out what a central bank or government is going to do with a currency before that decision is announced to the world. That’s like seeing the other poker player’s cards before you place your bet. **

I’ve already placed my bet that Goerge Soros helped to facilitate failures in the financial crisis. This crisis provided the perfect opportunity to discredit George Bush, and therefore Republicans, giving them a black eye at the perfect moment in the election process and thus helping to ensure Barack Obama’s victory. History regarding this unforgivable failure of the economy is already being rewritten with the culpable Barney Frank and others making bold, if innacurate, speeches to the press. He is now claiming the Bush administration ignored warnings. As I revealed earlier on Post Scripts it was George Bush who warned Barney Frank, the Congress, and the nation about Fannie and Freddie as early as 2001. See HERE and HERE. Bush made recomendations to Congress to fix the problem and Barney Frank, who insisted these institutions were not in danger, was among those who “shot down” attempts at passing legislation.

As evidence mounts about the corrupt influence of George Soros within the Democrat Party and in our elections some of you might want to rethink your association with the Democrat Party. Most of the unethical practices are fueled and funded by Soros and friends…high flying multimillionaires, unethical financial and corporate types, who not only have influence but are now in control of your party. A truly concerned, ethical American would have no choice other than to walk away. Surely this is not the kind of “change” you had in mind when you voted to give Democrats power in Washington.

(A few links added – most emphasis mine)

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