Representative Boehner Asks

Posted by Tina

Strange Days on Capitol Hill – Republicans for Obama, Democrats unsure, by Stephen F. Hayes – Weekly Standard

** “I just can’t tell you how shocked I am at what we’re seeing. It’s clear that they’re moving on this path along the flawed notion that we can borrow and spend our way to prosperity.” *** Boehner asked how NASA was going to spend $400 million fighting global warming, if ACORN would qualify for community development grants, and whether federal money should be used for waterslides. He wondered why taxpayers were providing handouts to universities with billion-dollar endowments. *** “I want to know how digital TV coupons are going to stimulate our economy,” he said, pointing out a Democratic proposal to help citizens who still watch television using an antenna convert to digital next month. “I just read last week that 94 percent of the people who needed a converter for their digital–to receive their digital signal–had already gotten it. And so if there’s only 6 percent of American TVs that still need these, how could we possibly spend $650 million on this?” ** (emphasis mine)

Thank you Rep. Boehner…we should all be asking these questions.

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