The Geesepeace Solution

d3.jpgPosted by Tina

Heres a quirky little postscript to the hero pilot story in the news. It involves a bit of Congressional pork from 2004:

Did an Earmark Bring Down the US Airways Flight, by Greg Pollowitz Planet Gore, NRO

** January 22, 2004 – US Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that Congress has passed $200,000 in federal funds for the US Fish and Wildlife Service to implement a Geesepeace program that works to alleviate the Canada geese overpopulation problem that threatens the health of local residents and the environment. **

Mr. Pollowitz makes an excellent point, I think an investigation into what was or wasn’t done over the years to control the geese is in order. If environmental concerns overrode passenger safety then that’s something that needs to be debated in light of yesterday’s miracle.

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