Some Things Dont Change

Posted by Tina

**Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez apparently doesn’t appreciate Barack Obama’s classifying him as a supporter of the Colombian terror group, FARC, likening the president-elect’s odor to that of Chavez’s nemesis, President Bush. In an interview airing on Venezuelan television and reported by The Washington Post Monday, Chavez said Obama has ”the same stench” as Bush. *** In an interview that aired on Univision last week, Obama said his administration would try to improve relations with Chavez, but Venezuela has to stop aiding FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which is recognized as a terror group by the United States and loathed by Colombians who have been victims of assassinations and kidnappings for the past 45 years. Internal FARC documents captured by Colombian soldiers last year purportedly demonstrated the link between Chavez and the terror organization. FOX News**

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