Lacking in Dignity, Graciousness…and Unity

Posted by Tina

President Obama has a big problem in his party and following. A unified America will never be possible until he can transform (bring to adulthood?) those within his own party. The last two transitions reflect the direspect and contention from Democrats that fuels discord in America and has for decades.

It began with a sore loser, contentious court battles, hanging chads, a delayed, difficult transition, missing Ws and trashed offices…and it ends thus:

** As a helicopter carried George W. Bush away from the U.S. capital where he has served as president for the past eight years, those in the crowd sang the taunting sports anthem, Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye. **

** The 43rd president certainly didnt hear them. But he might have seen the Arrest Bush signs waved by some spectators as he rode in the presidential limousine toward the Capitol with his successor Barack Obama.
He also might have heard the chants of No more Bush shortly before the swearing-in ceremony began. *** The sentiment was apparently widespread. *** People have been coming up to me all day saying, Nice sign, let me take a picture, said Washington prison guard Jewell Lee, 44, referring to her styrofoam sign that said simply: GET OUT. **

** at least one man was seen giving the chopper what Bush used to call the “one-finger salute.” *** Another man, with a thick New England accent, yelled, “Go back to Crawford!” *** And a woman shouted, “Good riddance! He’s leaving!” The Hill **

** A man believed to be homeless may be responsible for defacing a Houston monument to former President George H.W. Bush Tuesday, writing No more Bush it with yellow paint, authorities said. At about 2 p.m., a passerby reported to authorities that the bronze statue in the 100 block of Bagby was defaced, said Houston Police spokesman Sgt. John Chomiak. The stone sign in front of the monument was also defaced. Houston Chronicle **

This morning I also hear that the mess left by Obama supporters, who knocked over toilets and left trash everywhere was excessive. This is an insult to the new president and shows incredible disrepect for our nations capital…not to mention “the earth”. Hypocritically, the carbon foot print was massive; twice as many jets were used for transportation to the event as GWB’s. The cost was three times as much despite the fact that we are in financial difficulties. Bush was derided for the expense with geers about how much food it could by for starving people.

The new presidents desire to unite the country will be much harder than he can imagine. When basic manners and decency are absent, when hypocracy and double standards rule the way even on this very special day in America, how can he hold out promise for a united future? This is not a good beginning.

Libby I give you the true adult “children”…now the power behind the power in this great nation.

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