For Our Vets and One In Particular

ribbon.jpgThis is for our returning soldiers, with our most sincere thanks for a job well done…in particular, it is for one soldier who has served with great distinction that merits special recognition. His amazing Army career will be soon drawing to a close. He has done more than was ever expected, two tours in Iraq, he’s a Green Beret, he’s a former Ranger and a member of the 82nd Airborne, a former member of the California National Guard, he’s a winner of the bronze star and may other awards. He is America’s finest! And his name is… I can’t tell you his name, least not just yet. But, he knows we at Post Scripts know who he is… and that we hold him in the highest esteem. The very best part for us is he has a vision and a plan for America that will re-energize conservatives. A champion is coming home…get ready California, get ready America and welcome home all you heroes!

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