Joe Kennedys Behind Closed Doors Wind Farm Deal

Posted by Tina

Kennedy is offering more money but we value trust more than money. – Edward Singer

Joe Kennedy tries wind grab – Navajos: Stop interfering in Arizona energy project, by Thomas Grillo – Boston Herald

** Joseph P. Kennedy II, whose father Robert F. Kennedy championed Native American rights, is at war with a band of Navajo Indians. *** The Cameron Chapter of Navajo Nation is charging that Kennedy, president of Citizens Energy Corp. and its for-profit business Citizens Wind, is trying to seize control of a proposed wind farm on the tribes reservation on Gray Mountain in northern Arizona. *** Kennedys actions have single-handedly obstructed project development, delaying much-needed income and jobs for our nation, said Edward Singer, president of the Navajos 1,500-member Cameron Chapter. *** In a letter to Kennedy earlier this month, Singer accused Kennedy of using his political connections to take control of the project. **

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