By Bruce Sessions

********** FRIDAY SPECIAL *************

abruce.jpgHomosexual activist groups are working to place measures on the 2010 ballot to overturn Californias ban on same-sex marriage. This, in spite of the state supreme courts decision to revisit Proposition 8 in March. The activist groups say theyre not taking any chances that the high court might uphold the will of the voters.

portrait.jpg In the wake of all this, the Rev. Ed Bacon of the All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena appeared on the Oprah Winfrey TV program and declared Being gay is a gift from God. He added, Gay and lesbian people are clearly outcasts in many areas of our life and it is so important for them to understand that when God made them, God said you are good.

I would like to know chapter and verse where God allegedly made such a statement. Ive searched the book of Genesis word for word, and found NO such statement by God. He certainly DID claim a lot of His creation was good including the animals, fish, birds and trees. The closest thing I could find was Genesis 1:31 which was the conclusion of the sixth Creation day where it says and God saw everything that he hath made and behold, it was very good. Adam and Eve had not yet been created.

Nowhere does it state God created man and said you are good. If God felt all men to be inherently good, why on earth did He (in his wrath) destroy the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah? But lets move away from the Bible for a moment, since the homosexual community (for obvious reasons) doesnt want to hear it. Lets simply take a closer look at this so-called Gift from God.

A Washington D.C. inaugural week event originally described as a pig sex homosexual orgy was cancelled at the last minute after concerned citizens complained to the Doubletree Hotel hosting the event. The online Urban Dictionary defines pig sex as outrageously dirty such as water sports, defecation, male on male bondage, group-sex and sex with animals.

The event was cancelled at the last minute and lesbian blogger and promoter of the orgy, Pam Spaulding published the following announcement: As many of you know, extreme Christian groups have been pressuring Doubletree to cancel the Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy. For two days the hotel stood firm. Unfortunately, the matter escalated to Doubletree Corporate and the word has come down that they will not allow our event to go on as planned. To say that I am pissed would be an understatement. We have a right to privacy and sexual freedom.

I want to apologize to all of you who, some who have been with me for nine years, for having to disappoint you at the 11th hour.

I believe that Episcopal priest who stated homosexuality is a gift from God should go back to divinity school for a refresher course lest he soon be declared a false prophet. And while there, I would suggest the Reverend review Romans Chapter 1 and he will see because of mans self-indulgent pursuit of self-centered pleasures, man will exchange the truth of God for a lie. And because of that, God gives them up to burn with desire in the flesh, one man for another, in all kinds of gross sexual perversion.

The term giving them up certainly doesnt sound like bestowing a gift now, does it?

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