Gitmo Review

Posted by Tina

The following article by the editors at National Review, A False Move on Gitmo offers another perspective on the situation that Guantanamo presents and the empty executive order that President Obama recently signed.

** The executive orders President Obama signed Thursday regarding the detention and interrogation of detainees in the War on Terror reflect an emerging Obama style: What is said is more rhetorical than illuminatingand what is most important is left unsaid. *** Take Guantanamo Bay, the oft-maligned subject of the first order. In announcing the closure of the prison there, the president forcefully asserted that he was following through on a campaign commitment. But the order only promises that the facility will be closed within a yeara nonbinding deadline Obama could extend simply by signing another order. Thats not exactly the immediate shuttering his antiwar base was clamoring for, and such delay would be intolerable if Obama really believed Gitmo were the travesty he has portrayed it as. *** Moreover, the physical facility itself is of only symbolic importance. The underlying question is what to do with the detainees held there. On that, the executive orders tell us precious little. **

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