Anything But Stimulating

Posted by Tina

DollarWings2.jpgThe economy is in the crapper. Americans have lost savings, homes, and jobs. In the midst of this economic meltdown American car manufacturers were deemed so essential to our survival that they had to be given large sums of cash. Our Congress was certain it was absolutely necessary. So after throwing all that money at them in the hopes that it would turn the industry around, save jobs, and help the economy what does the new change president do?


** President Barack Obama wants automakers to make greener cars… Obama’s plans could bring smaller cars, more hybrids and advanced fuel-saving technologies to showrooms, but car shoppers will probably pay more upfront because the new rules are expected to cost the hamstrung industry billions of dollars. *** “The consumer needs to understand that they will see significant increases in the cost of vehicles,” said Rebecca Lindland, an auto analyst for the consulting firm IHS Global Insight. Her firm estimated the upgrades could add $2,000 to $10,000 to the price of a vehicle. *** Obama on Monday directed the Environmental Protection Agency to review whether California and more than a dozen states should be allowed to impose tougher auto emission standards on carmakers to fight greenhouse gas emissions. AP **

Clearly this man knows nothing about business and job creation.

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