How About A Free Enterprise Amendemnt

Posted by Tina

Dick Morris has come up with a very good idea for the GOP…I wonder if anyone’s listening. Be smart…follow the link and learn a thing or two about the stimulus bill and what it will mean to all Americans and this one thing the GOP could do to protect our free enterprise system.

“GOP, push free enterprise,” by Dick Morris – The Hill

** In the name of economic stimulus, it not only has every item any liberal ever asked of Santa Claus on Christmas eve, it also contains the seeds of a permanent shift toward a European-style socialist democracy. Its dramatic exemption of more than half of Americans from paying federal income taxes (it is now about one-third who dont pay them) and its generosity in awarding this voting majority a welfare check called a refundable tax credit moves the politics of taxation sharply to the left. **

** The federal governments acquisition of preferred stock in virtually all our major banks sets the stage for full nationalization. After all, if the feds are using their preferred status to hog all the dividends, why should any private person buy bank stock? *** The answer is for the Republicans to caucus and come up with a Free Enterprise Amendment to add to the stimulus package. The amendment should spell out what the government may not do in influencing the policy of private banks. It should, for example, make it illegal for the feds to urge certain lending policies on banks or to suggest specific loans that might be granted. It should enjoin the feds from intervening in decisions on who should manage various aspects of bank operations. The idea would be to cordon off large parts of the private sector, even in subsidized institutions, to bar public federal government influence.
A well-drawn amendment would be akin to the protections in the Bill of Rights against government intervention in certain activities such as religion, press, speech, petitioning and assembly. It would lay down markers indicating what the feds may not do. **

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