Of Great Expectations and Climate Change Chicanery

Submitted by Informed Lawyer

Even Charles Dickens Has Been Outdone! ITSSD Journal on Energy Security

In the novel Great Expectations, written in 1860 by Charles Dickens, there is an underlying theme of disillusionment, but it is not a melancholy book. The main character, named Pip, has many “great expectations” in his life, but over the course of time these illusions are slowly shattered.”

…The novel Great Expectations also raises many thought-provoking philosophical issues which are uncannily relevant for purposes of evaluating the global climate change debate. In particular, isn’t it remarkable how European national governments have disingenuously portrayed the human and environmental (described as ‘existential’) threat posed by global warming and/or climate change, two scientifically distinct terms that have been conflated intentionally by environmental zealots and government bureaucrats the world over?

…We ask the Obama Administration directly – are you, too, raising unrealistic planetary threat scenarios, public fears of environmental catastrophe and ‘great expectations’ of your own that something can actually be done about what the President has referred to in his inaugural speech as ‘the specter of a warming planet’?

…We suggest that the administration carefully review the literal and metaphorical themes conveyed within Charles Dickens’ literary masterpiece with an eye towards seeing how they apply to what is actually an onward march towards global regulatory governance over the economic lives of all Americans…

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