President Obamas Challenge Follow Through

Posted by Tina

Theres a certain danger in making extreme promises during a campaign…

Loopholes, Loopholes, Everywhere!

** Republican opposition to Eric Holder faded away Wednesday after the attorney general designate gave private assurances that he did not “intend” to target CIA officers who acted in “good faith” when conducting harsh interrogations of terror suspects. But Holder’s assurances, offered to GOP Sen. Christopher Bond, were carefully qualifiedand left the door open for him to approve expanded Justice Department inquiries into agency interrogations once he takes office, according to White House and congressional aides. Newsweek **

Imagine! A Former Gitmo Prisoner Lied

** SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Before he was released from Guantanamo, a Saudi detainee insisted he had only wanted to help refugees and was not a fighter. Now, as an al-Qaida field commander sporting a bandolier of bullets, he is threatening the United States and has been hailed by a militant Web site as a veteran guerrilla and “a fomenter of war.” The story of Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi underscores the dilemma Barack Obama’s administration. AP **


Black Site Detentions Still an Option

** President Obama’s executive order closing CIA “black sites” contains a little-noticed exception that allows the spy agency to continue to operate temporary detention facilities abroad. The provision illustrates that the president’s order to shutter foreign-based prisons, known as black sites, is not airtight and that the Central Intelligence Agency still has options if it wants to hold terrorist suspects for several days at a time. Washington Times **

Could it possibly be that George W. Bush was indeed doing what needed to be done all along…that the challenges he faced often had no good solutions? Could it be that he did his best under very difficult and legally challenging situations…that everything he did was for one purpose and one purpose only…to keep us safe? I think so and I think he at least deserves the same benefit of the doubt that will be afforded President Obama…even with his obvious slick posturing and loophole filled directives.

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