Dying in Kentucky – FEMA Slow Prez…No Show

ky_powerx.jpgPosted by Tina

Obama hates white people and wants them to die, by Rick Moran – American Thinker

** With nearly 1.5 million people in the mid-west without power during a cold snap, what other possible reason is there that this new “competent” administration and FEMA would be failing so spectacularly in helping in this natural disaster? *** Of course, I am just aping what lefty blogs were saying about Bush less than 24 hours after Katrina’s hurricane winds stopped blowing. But AP is reporting that Midwest disaster relief people are none too pleased with our new president’s FEMA. *** In Kentucky’s Grayson County, there are 25 National Guardsmen there to help – but no chain saws to cut away fallen limbs and trees. EM Director Randell Smith is quoted as saying, “We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.” *** Smith is also quoted as saying that FEMA is a “no show.”**

The President spent the evening Saturday at a black tie dinner…Sunday he will host a Super Bowl Party. Should we be upset? Should we be making outrageous claims against the President? The American Thinker story demonstrates precisely why the right cannot afford to be complacent, gentlemanly, generous, cooperative or even decent. If the story about Katrina had been told with accuracy and respect for President Bush and FEMA…this ugly “truth mirror” would not need to be raised!

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