Knowing the Enemy Taking a Stand

Posted by Tina

We read and hear about the war from journalists who may or may not know what theyre talking about. Clearly much of the reporting on the Iraq war was about why we should get out, or why Bush was failing, with very little about the enemy we faced, the efforts of our troops, or the people that our troops were endeavoring to liberate. In depth stories that focus on knowledge gained or reveal the motivations and fears that accompany war have been scant. Those interested in the first hand experiences and insights of individuals who fight this war will enjoy the following article posted at National Review Online:

Be Not Afraid – Terrorists rely on intimidation and deception. We cant be fooled, and we must resist, by Gabriel Ledeen NRO

** Evils strength lies in its ability to intimidate. I saw this truth play out during my two tours in Iraq, as al-Qaeda dominated the spirit of Anbars Sunni population. The mighty Sunni Awakening movement represented the rejection of the oppression and intimidation the population had been enduring at the hands of al-Qaeda. As Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu Risha said of his movement, We Sunnis had to convince ourselves. After all, their instincts and traditions had told them that we were the outsiders and therefore had to be worse than al-Qaedas Muslim operatives. **

** They first had to understand the evil that weand theywere confronting, and then they could take responsibility for their lives and act decisively. *** Our Islamist enemies cant win when confronted directly with the truth because they are essentially hollow. As in Iraq, they will eventually wither. Their false jihad often relies on deception, bribery, and drugs to gain recruits and compel attacks. Their movement is founded on lies, as seen in the propaganda used to indoctrinate new followers to to the culture of hatred. They oppose freedom and individual liberty, and reject the value of each human life, and therefore are at odds with the self-evident Truths that govern our existence. *** I have spent the last two weeks in Israel trying to understand what exactly is going on here and what it means in the broader context of the global war on terror. I find myself dwelling on the question: Why do democratic and liberal nations condemn Israel for fighting against terrorists who deliberately target civilians? **

Gabriel Ledeen served two tours in al-Anbar, Iraq, as an officer with a Marine infantry battalion. I hope youll read the rest of his excellent article to discover his conclusion to that very pointed question.

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