Monthly Archives: January 2009

Atlas Shrugged – Required Reading!

By STEPHEN MOORE Some years ago when I worked at the libertarian Cato Institute, we used to label any new hire who had not yet read “Atlas Shrugged” a “virgin.” Being conversant in Ayn Rand’s classic novel about the economic … Continue reading

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Military Questions

Posted by Jack Lee Just for fun can you older vets answer any of these questions? 1. Q. Can you name 4 occassions when you render a salute? 2. Q. Should vets salute or place their hand over the heart … Continue reading

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Palestinian Terrorists Blasted Into Oblivion

by Jack Lee 12 January – Nearly 900 Palestinians, mostly combatants, some killed while sniping, some killed while firing rockets and some killed while using their human shields – its too bad, but you reap what you sow. This is … Continue reading

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by Jack Lee There was a long procession of notables appearing before Congress who swore under oath the price of gasoline was so high because of supply and demand, plain and simple. Even Jim Cramer on Mad Money assured us … Continue reading

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Change of Command, Traditions and the Military

by Jack Lee In the Army any major Change of Command involves a lot of ceremony and long standing traditions or rituals. When it involves the retirement of a General [and a Change of Command] the event is very special. … Continue reading

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When the Government Prints Money

Posted by Tina Can’t happen here, right? THE SAVAGE TRUTH | The perils of creating too much paper money, by Terry Savage – New York Sun Times ** Over the weekend, the Zimbabwe central bank announced it is about to … Continue reading

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Obama Climate Czar for Socialist Global Governance

Posted by Tina Obama climate czar has socialist ties – Group sees ‘global governance’ as solution, by Stephan Dinan – The Washington Times ** Until last week, Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama’s pick as global warming czar, was listed … Continue reading

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Our Cousins Nanny State

Posted by Tina ** Householders are to be visited by officials offering advice on cooking with leftovers, in a Government initiative to reduce the amount of food that gets thrown away. Home cooks will also be told what size portions … Continue reading

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To All My Valued Employees, There have been some rumblings around the office about the future of this company, and more specifically, your job. As you know, the economy has changed for the worse and presents many challenges. However, the … Continue reading

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Gitmo a No Go for First 100 Days

Obama: Gitmo Likely Wont Close in First 100 Days, by Mary Bruce, ABC News ** President-elect Barack Obama said this weekend that he does not expect to close Guantanamo Bay in his first 100 days in office. *** “I think … Continue reading

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