Monthly Archives: January 2009

Soros and Co. Is This the Kind of Change You Had in Mind?

Posted by Tina Is there anyone in America who honestly believes Al Franken has legally won that Senate seat in Minnesota? I swear this race has to be the most colossal act ever staged in American politics and yes, we … Continue reading

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California Green Will it Be Climate or Cash?

Posted by Tina Sacramento — Efforts to bridge California’s budget abyss collapsed last week as talks hit a formidable roadblock — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s demand that long-standing environmental protections be stripped from 10 big highway projects. The governor’s aides say … Continue reading

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Apparently It Isnt the “Entire World”

Posted by Tina I thought you should know: ** HYDERABAD, India Manmohan Singh leads the largest democracy on earth. But Indias prime minister is gentle of manner and speaks in whispers. One struggles to imagine him professing love without shyness … Continue reading

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American Fuel – Again it’s OFF LIMITS!

So says Harry Reid (American fool) and a hand full of other Senators. Posted by Tina Harry Reids Land Grab, by Amanda Carpenter ** Its hard to pinpoint the worst part of the public lands legislation bill Senate Majority … Continue reading

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Yoo-hoooooo…Calling Michael Moore

Posted by Tina We will not tolerate politicians who are corrupt and break the law. And we promise you we will go after the corrupt politicians on our side first. If we fail to do this, we need you to … Continue reading

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Posted by Tina Barack Obama may soon find himself in a very tough spot. He promised to close the Guantanamo facility and he will soon take an oath to defend our nation. Hi ssupporters cannot wait. They have been certain … Continue reading

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By Bruce Sessions ********** FRIDAY SPECIAL ************* Attorney General Jerry Brown said he would defend Proposition 8 before the state Supreme Court. He took the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution, so we certainly wouldnt expect anything … Continue reading

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Court Thumbs Nose at CA Constitution

Posted by Tina ** Sacramento, Calif. — An anti-tax group will consider new legal action after a California appeals court tossed out a lawsuit that sought to block tax increases passed by Democrats in the state Legislature, the group said … Continue reading

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Japan’s Affordable Health Care

Posted by Jack Lee Japanese have the longest, healthy life span on Earth and they spend half as much on health care as the United States. That long life expectancy is partly due to diet and lifestyle, but the country’s … Continue reading

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Sea Kittens?

Posted by Tina ** RADICAL international animal rights group PETA has launched its most bizarre campaign yet, demanding fish be renamed “sea kittens”. PETA – People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals – believes calling fish sea kittens will make … Continue reading

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