Monthly Archives: January 2009

The Economy Good News, Bad News…UGLY news:

Posted by Tina European leaders are looking at the economy and have made some observations. The conclusion about today’s crisis is fairly accurate and right on…that’s good news. It always helps to identify a problem. The proposed solution is…well…not so … Continue reading

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Keep a Close Eye on BIG HOLLYWOOD

Posted by Tina Andrew Breitbart has just launched a new conservative website and blog, Big Hollywood. I welcome and applaud these talented Americans from the entertainment industry to the web world. Hollywood has not been particularly friendly or open to … Continue reading

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Spending Cuts & Reform

Posted by Tina ** Washington President-elect Barack Obama said today that reforming massive government entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare would be “a central part” of his effort to control federal spending. Obama made the pledge but provided … Continue reading

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Porn Peddlers Want a Bailout

Posted by Tina ** Washington – Another major American industry is asking for assistance as the global financial crisis continues: Hustler publisher Larry Flynt and Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis said Wednesday they will request that Congress allocate $5 … Continue reading

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Anti-God Newdow Files Again!

Posted by Tina Michael Newdow just cant help himself. Hes the atheist dad who wanted God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, I brought this case because I am an atheist and this offends me, and I have the right … Continue reading

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Al Franken Stealing Election

“As John F. Kennedy once said, “sometimes partisanship demands too much.” Watching Al Franken and the Democrats steal this election, vote by vote, is a horrific sight that makes a mockery of the electoral process, the fundamental element in our … Continue reading

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Hit Your Refresh Button

To get the most up to date edition of post scripts please hit your browser “refresh” button now. This will reset all our articles to most current version. We continually strive to be accurate and this means we must sometimes … Continue reading

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California Dream – a Nightmare

by Jack Lee This is a story of fiscal neglect, mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse and incompetence. Look, if you’re already having a bad day, take some advice from the author, just don’t even bother going here, it’s really awful news. … Continue reading

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Interesting Points on Iraq and Democrats

Posted by Jack This is a comment received and it was so well done I thought you would not want to miss it so I put it out here one page one. Now the comment: By Nick TSQ, thank you … Continue reading

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Letter to Madame Speaker

House Republicans are concerned. Speaker Pelosi is apparently choosing to put an end to House rules put in place as part of the “Contract with America”. Please read the following letter (and the article linked below): January 5, 2009 The … Continue reading

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