Monthly Archives: January 2009

Obama’s #1 Goal Creates 600,000 New Government Employees

Posted by Tina Prez-Elect Makes New Pitch, Promises on Job Creation — Including 600,000 New Government Employees, by Jake Tapper – ABC News ** In his radio address today, President-elect Obama uses some new language when discussing what he wants … Continue reading

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Petraeus Declared Leading Public Intellectual

Posted by Tina David Petraeus, the US general who transformed the campaign in Iraq, has been declared the leading public intellectual. The thinking mans soldier explains the limitations of shooting and killing, by Dominic Lawson Timesonline (UK) ** It will … Continue reading

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1.5 Million Home-schooled Kids in 2007

Posted by Tina A study made by the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics suggests that the number of home schooled children is growing and the reasons becoming more varied: Home Schooling Grows, by Janice Lloyd USA Today

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Your Tax Dollars at Work – $700b TARP Bailout

We know so little about how the $700 billion in bailout money is being spent and that was one of the complaints prior to its passage last October. The bill titled as the “Troubled Asset Relief Program” (TARP) was sold … Continue reading

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Fantastic “Toon”

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Bill Richardson Bows Out

Posted by Tina Richardson exits Cabinet due to probe, by Mike Allen and Amie Parnes – Politico ** New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson plans to withdraw as President-elect Barack Obamas nominee for secretary of commerce because of ‘unanswered questions” about … Continue reading

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TIP – Hit the Refresh Button Now

To get the most up to date edition of post scripts please hit your browser “refresh” button now. This will reset all our articles to most current version. We continually strive to be accurate and this means we must sometimes … Continue reading

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Fusion Not Fission

From Der Spielgel: A consortium of governments will build a groundbreaking fusion power plant in France for a price in excess of 5 billion. After decades of discouraging setbacks, plasma physics has made jaw-dropping recent progress. Could it save the … Continue reading

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Globalization and Us

by Jack Lee Somewhere back in the 70’s, ever increasing government regulations, taxes and unions squeezed American businesses to the point they began a slow exodus either out of business or to foreign countries that offered a friendlier business invironment. … Continue reading

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Oh Boy…Soros Scores Again

Posted by Tina Ive been doing my best over the past couple of years to warn about the very amoral investor and political manipulator, Mr. George Soros. The news of his latest acquisition today only added fuel to my contempt … Continue reading

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