Monthly Archives: January 2009

When Buy American Backfires

Posted by Tina The best laid plans have consequences. Pork bills being considered in Congress pay scant attention to the world wide economic crisis or solutions that stimulate near term economic recovery. Frankly, too much attention is being paid to … Continue reading

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by Jack Lee There is a growing chorus calling for nationalizing America’s banks, thus wiping out stockholders. New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini says the majority of US banks are insolvent and must be nationalized. Speaking in a Bloomberg Television … Continue reading

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Iraq Vet Comes Home After 2nd Tour

WELCOME HOME WAR-FIGHTER…. NICK F. ! Nick arrives today at 1 p.m. Friends and family are standing by!

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Notable Quote

“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not … Continue reading

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by Jack I just got back from the 2009 World’s First Submarine race held in San Diego, Ca. This is exciting stuff. Pics show the start, mid race and end…enjoy!

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Great Bailout’s in History

by Jack Lee I know this is ancient history to some, but does anyone recall that tax rebate stimulus plan from 08? Ever wonder how it worked out, aside from the obvious, that we’re deeper in recession than before the … Continue reading

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Purpose of Stimulus is Pork – Republicans Decline

Posted by Tina Pork ruled the day in the House stimulus bill and Republicans declined to go along with it. Seems they learned their lesson after all. The bill passed without a single Republican vote and with eleven Democrats jumping … Continue reading

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The Rangle Rule

Posted by Tina ** Americans may be able to rest a little easier this April if Congressman John Carter, R-Texas gets his way. *** Rep. Carter introduced a bill Wednesday to eliminate all IRS penalties and interest for paying taxes … Continue reading

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Dr. John S. Theon of NASA Disagrees

Posted by Tina James Hansen’s former boss, on James Hansen, Lawrence Solomon ** James Hansen of NASA’s GISS has been the single-most influential scientist in the world in promoting the view that global warming represents a catastrophic risk to the … Continue reading

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Democrats – Just Say No

Posted by Tina ** House Democrats blocked a measure that would have required new roads, bridges and schools funded by the $825 billion economic stimulus to be named after U.S. armed forces members killed in action. Democrats on the House … Continue reading

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