Monthly Archives: January 2009

Absolutely Unreasonable Political Greens

Posted by Tina The people need oil as an interim source of fuel until viable alternatives can act as a replacement. America needs to free herself of dependence on hostile foreign sources of oil. Oil companies, for their part, have … Continue reading

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President Obamas Challenge Follow Through

Posted by Tina Theres a certain danger in making extreme promises during a campaign… Loopholes, Loopholes, Everywhere! ** Republican opposition to Eric Holder faded away Wednesday after the attorney general designate gave private assurances that he did not “intend” to … Continue reading

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From, also featured on the Tom Sullivan radio show…. Even as President Barack Obama traveled down Pennsylvania Avenue on Tuesday after his swearing-in, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had fallen more than 300 points on Wall Street. If his … Continue reading

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Hawaiian Tropic Restaurant Sued over Accent

by Jack Lee Did you hear that an applicant for a bikini clad barmaid job at a New York City eatery says managers all discriminated against her because they said they couldn’t understand her due to her heavy “Latin accent.” … Continue reading

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America – No “Colonial Power”

Posted by Tina President Obama spoke to the Middle East on Al Arabiya on Tuesday. His purpose to re-establish the relationship we had twenty to thirty years ago. As Max Boot reported in Commentary, a little math takes us back … Continue reading

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How About A Free Enterprise Amendemnt

Posted by Tina Dick Morris has come up with a very good idea for the GOP…I wonder if anyone’s listening. Be smart…follow the link and learn a thing or two about the stimulus bill and what it will mean to … Continue reading

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Of Great Expectations and Climate Change Chicanery

Submitted by Informed Lawyer Even Charles Dickens Has Been Outdone! ITSSD Journal on Energy Security In the novel Great Expectations, written in 1860 by Charles Dickens, there is an underlying theme of disillusionment, but it is not a melancholy book. … Continue reading

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Notable Quote

If you tax productivity – you get less of it. Tom McClintock

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CEO’s Overpaid

From the Economist Magazine RIGHT and left, Americans and Europeans, stockmarket investors and anti-globalisation campaigners all share one belief: top managers pay themselves too much. The evidence seems to bear them out. For almost half a century the ratio of … Continue reading

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