Monthly Archives: January 2009

No Consequences for Bad CEO’s

by Jack A recent study says most of the banking executives that presided over the subprime mortgage and housing meltdown are still on the job and still drawing mega salaries. CEO John Thain from Merrill Lynch was put on the … Continue reading

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Recession Details Updated

by Jack Lee Unemployment: And it just gets worse… 50 states and the District of Columbia recorded unemployment rate increases compared with the previous month and the year prior period, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of … Continue reading

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Anything But Stimulating

Posted by Tina The economy is in the crapper. Americans have lost savings, homes, and jobs. In the midst of this economic meltdown American car manufacturers were deemed so essential to our survival that they had to be given large … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell Makes Stimulating Point

Posted by Tina Please read this terrific article about the foolish way government tackles recessions: ‘Stimulus’ Plan Is Really About Enlarging Gov’t, by Thomas Sowell – IBD ** Spending money for infrastructure is another time-consuming way of dealing with what … Continue reading

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For Those Over 50 Only

Posted by Jack Remember those great old western’s where the good guy always won, where right was right and wrong was wrong, where it was action packed and not a cuss word was heard? If you’re over 50 click here, … Continue reading

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Can’t see the forest thru the trees

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Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down

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Gitmo Review

Posted by Tina The following article by the editors at National Review, A False Move on Gitmo offers another perspective on the situation that Guantanamo presents and the empty executive order that President Obama recently signed. ** The executive orders … Continue reading

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VP Biden on War Casualties There will be an uptick

Posted by Tina Biden warns of higher US death toll Afghanistan Vice President Joe Biden says the nation should expect more U.S. military casualties as the Obama administration plans to send additional troops to Afghanistan. *** Pentagon officials say … Continue reading

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As Teaching Tool Self-esteem Gets an F

Posted by Tina The following article was both illuminating and entertaining. Self-esteem not a good teaching tool, by Lenore Skenazy Athens Banner Herald ** Turns out children are feeling pretty good about themselves lately. Maybe a little too good. *** … Continue reading

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