Monthly Archives: January 2009

For Our Vets and One In Particular

This is for our returning soldiers, with our most sincere thanks for a job well done…in particular, it is for one soldier who has served with great distinction that merits special recognition. His amazing Army career will be soon drawing … Continue reading

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Joe Kennedys Behind Closed Doors Wind Farm Deal

Posted by Tina Kennedy is offering more money but we value trust more than money. – Edward Singer Joe Kennedy tries wind grab – Navajos: Stop interfering in Arizona energy project, by Thomas Grillo – Boston Herald ** Joseph P. … Continue reading

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Life is Right

Posted by Tina I have always frankly admitted that abortion is murder, the extermination of the powerless by the powerful. Liberals for the most part have shrunk from facing the ethical consequences of their embrace of abortion, which results in … Continue reading

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Who Will Pick Up the Tab?

Posted by Tina “the state is a great fiction by which everybody tries to live at the expense of everybody else.” – French economist Frederic Bastiat Where Stimulus Is Not Necessary – IBD ** In 2008, government payrolls topped 22 … Continue reading

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Many Early Black Heros

The following by Chauncey Spencer II was posted in comments on a Post Scripts article about the Tuskegee Airmen. We thought it should be posted on page one today. Man says black aviators merit place at inaugural… Darrell Laurant, Media … Continue reading

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Boy Scouts in Iraq

Posted by Tina “Iraqi Scouts Are Back” ** Originally formed in 1954 and silenced during the reign of former President Saddam Hussein, the voices of the Iraqi Boy Scouts are rising once again. The new Iraqi Scouts have been meeting … Continue reading

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And So It Begins…

Posted by Tina AM Inauguration Day ** Two of the five men accused of orchestrating the Sept. 11 attacks offered unapologetic admissions of guilt Monday in a sometimes chaotic and possibly final session of the Guantanamo war crimes court. The … Continue reading

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Lacking in Dignity, Graciousness…and Unity

Posted by Tina President Obama has a big problem in his party and following. A unified America will never be possible until he can transform (bring to adulthood?) those within his own party. The last two transitions reflect the direspect … Continue reading

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Rick Keene Running for Election…again

by Jack Lee I heard our recent former Assemblyman, Rick Keene, is going to kick off his bid for the State Senate this Friday in Chico. Was there ever any doubt? We’ve talked about it here for over a year.

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Cool Tip – Free TV on Your Computer!

from Tinman… Check out this site, they offer free tv on your computer! Click here.

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