Monthly Archives: January 2009

A Thought for Our Future

by Neil Cavuto As was the case with Ronald Reagan, there are characteristics that mark a great man and a President. President and Mrs. George W. Bush are people of both style and grace. Unlike the couple who preceded them … Continue reading

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Hope for Change – Welcome President Obama!

by Jack Lee This is a historic day for America, not just because we elected the first black man to be President, but also because we have just placed more hope and trust than ever before on a person who … Continue reading

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Cost Savings in Congress

From Tinman… When a company falls on difficult times, one of the things that seems to happen is they reduce their staff and workers. The remaining workers need to find ways to continue to do a good job or risk … Continue reading

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Some Things Dont Change

Posted by Tina **Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez apparently doesn’t appreciate Barack Obama’s classifying him as a supporter of the Colombian terror group, FARC, likening the president-elect’s odor to that of Chavez’s nemesis, President Bush. In an interview airing on Venezuelan … Continue reading

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Plague Killing al Qaeda

Posted by Tina UPDATE: ** It was thought they caught the disease through poor living conditions in their forest hideouts. ** But Dr Igor Khrupinov, of Georgia University, said: Al-Qaeda is known to experiment with biological weapons. And this group … Continue reading

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Bush Communtes Sentences of RAMOS and COMPEAN

Posted by Tina Bush pardons 2 former border guards, by Deb Reichmann – AP ** President George W. Bush has commuted the prison sentences of two former Border Patrol guards whose convictions for shooting a Mexican drug dealer ignited debate … Continue reading

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THE ROSA PARKS STORY – A Profile In Courage

by Jack Lee Today is Martin Luther King Day and we are on the eve of the Barack Obama inauguration, and it is right that we should celebrate this day by recalling an important moment in the early civil rights … Continue reading

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Sunday Evening Classic

Posted by Tina If you need a little reminder about the source of American greatness read the following article. Mr. Graham points out there are things that run much deeper than our sagging economy, troubling wars or even out ceremonies … Continue reading

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Mission Accomplished

Posted by Tina ** WASHINGTON On Inauguration day, there’s one scene at the White House that won’t be playing out exactly as it has during past transitions: the traditional moving of the outgoing First Family’s belongings. Anita McBride, Chief of … Continue reading

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