It’s OK for Black Panthers to Intimidate Voters


Posted by Tina

Bartle Bull was on the tube when I got home from work yesterday. The story he had to share was startling so I looked to see what I could find in the news this morning. Sure enough I didn’t find much in the main stream media on this civil rights case even though it also has incredible political ramifications and could easily be pumped into a full blown scandal. Alternative media does have a lot to say about it, but before you cry “vast right wing conspiracy” you should pause and consider…Bartle Bull is a civil rights attorney from the sixties with a very interesting background. He was one of the attorney who watched polling places in the south to make sure that blacks were not kept from the polls through intimidation. As he put it Martin Luther King, as well as Bobby and Jack Kennedy did not lose their lives for this. Lets just say he knows whereof he speaks.

“Democrats: It’s OK When We Politicize the Justice Department,” by Jennifer Rubin –

** Why did political appointees at the DOJ override career prosecutors and drop a civil rights suit against the New Black Panther Party? *** The “politicization” of the Justice Department was one of many aspects of the Bush administration which the Obama administration was going to cure. But it appears that while the party of the administration has changed, we are seeing a level of political meddling at the Justice Department which the Bush administration never remotely approached. *** First, we had word that Eric Holder overruled the career attorney lawyers’ research on the issue of voting rights for the District of Columbia. Now we learn that political appointees have overturned the work of career attorneys attempting to prevent voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party. (See Washington Times report and YouTube video) **

** The career prosecutors at Justice had a default judgment against the New Black Panther Party in hand and Obama’s political hatchetmen at the department put the kibosh on the whole thing. *** …why did the Civil Rights Division voluntarily dismiss a lawsuit that it had effectively already won, against defendants who were physically threatening voters? Is the Division concerned that this dismissal will encourage the New Black Panther Party, or other groups, to intimidate voters? Why did the Division seek such limited relief against a defendant who was actually carrying and brandishing a weapon at a polling station on Election Day? What role did the change of administration play in the unusual resolution of voluntarily dismissing a case on which the Division had already prevailed? **

By now, if you haven’t heard this story, you’re probably wondering what exactly the new Black Panther members did. They attempted to control the voting public. Wearing black military style uniforms they stood guard in front of a Philadelphia voting place, wielding nightsticks and using intimidating language including racial slurs. Bartle Bull said that one of them barked, “now you’ll find out what it’s like to be ruled by a black man, cracker.” He claimed he had witnessed ropes hanging from trees but had never encountered such egregious physical voter intimidation in all of his years as a civil rights advocate.

Bartle Bull’s affidavit can be found HERE.

Expect silence (or a strong defense of the Obama administration) from the media…and the ever-hypocritical vast left wing.

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