by Tina Grazier
The ap is reporting that the Middle Easternern countries have great expectations about what they want from President Obama as he visits the area to make a big speech this week:
** Respect for Islam, a prescription for Palestinian statehood and assurances of a speedy U.S. pullout from Iraq – that’s what Muslims from Morocco to Malaysia want to hear from President Barack Obama… – AP **
Hmmmm…I always thought respect was something one earned.
What about Muslim respect for America and Israel? What about respect for the concept of being free to choose ones own religion and to live without fear of attack, bombings, kidnappings, beheadings or extermination? Our “Middle East problem” is really their problem and they have done little about it in any overt recognized way.
I want to hear from the Middle East that they will stamp out radicals from the Middle East and their murderous ideology…I want to hear them say THEY will bring peace to the Middle East…and then we’ll talk about the niceties of mutual respect.