by Tina Grazier
Trickle down just happens in a growing vibrant economy. Profits trickle into the economy and produce jobs, promotions, dividends, bonuses, interest income, and the entrepreneurial spirit that begets new industry and innovation. That means that people have more opportunity, greater security, and extra money to spend, save, and invest. It also ensures a reliable flow of revenue to the government. It’s a beautiful thing!
We are experiencing what happens when a crash is followed by economic policies that hinder growth. The result is a sluggish shrinking economy, accompanied by severe profit and business losses, job shortages, loss of opportunity, and an uncertain future. Tax revenues to the government slow and dry up. We citizens can forget about the possibility of dividends, bonuses, and interest income. We can forget about abundant opportunity and the potential to earn or invest to build our own personal wealth. We can forget about extra spending for our pown pleasures wants and needs. Worst of all, our childrens’ futures are being taxed and some of them haven’t even been born yet. Just trying to figure out how to survive is not a pretty picture!
Evidence of our shrinking economy is all around us and yet the government is proposing higher taxes (a greater burden on a troubled private sector) and MORE SPENDING! Obviously the government has been a poor caretaker and administrator of the people’s money so far but what’s even more shocking are the plans to spend make government bureaucracy even bigger. The question of the century may be…how long will the people put up with this blatant theft and incompetency?
Meanwhile back at the “house”…the audacity man remains true to his audacious spirit. During this time of economic strife, , home foreclosures, job losses, failing industry, rising prices, concerns about inflation, higher taxes and greater restrictions on the ability to grow our own personal wealth the first couple has exravagant parties and indulge themselves in an expensive date night in New York City.
GOP takes aim at Barack and Michelle Obama’s NYC trip
** President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama landed in New York Saturday afternoon, and after taking a helicopter from JFK into Manhattan, drove up the West Side Highway, where the northbound lanes were shut down by police for their visit, past Ground Zero, into the Village for dinner at the Village’s Blue Hill restaurant. From there, they went north to Times Square, where they went to to see a production of “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone” at the Belasco Theater on West 44 Street. *** Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest read a statement from Obama: “I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished.” *** Asked about the cost of the trip, which Republicans have criticized as indulgent, coming just ahead of the expected announcement of GM’s bankruptcy filing on Monday, Josh Earnest told pool reporter Dave Michaels of the Dallas Morning News, that he “didn’t anticipate being able to provide a cost estimate tonight.” **
Well isn’t that terrific! Some people just don’t have a care in the world. Date night is a great idea in terms of the president’s marriage but the timing of this date and the example it sets isn’t very good for the country. He keeps talking about how much we must sacrifice! He tells us he understands we are hurting and unfortunately things will get worse before they gets better…but he’s working on it…it’ll take time, he says.
This is what over half of all Americans voted for…is it too much to ask that they at least learn from the experience and not do it again? New Yorkers foot the bill for 600 police officers for this date and what was the reaction of fellow diners:
** In typical Manhattan style, diners at a Greenwich Village restaurant Saturday night pretended not to notice the famous couple at dinner – until after dessert. ”Nobody bothered them,” *** ”When they stood up to leave,” she continued, ”this blas New York crowd stood up and exploded in spontaneous applause.” – New York Daily News **
Gag me. New Yorkers, drowning in a sea of taxation and economic doom, gaga over the first couple as their extravagance and conspicuous consumption plays out before the American people. So I guess it is too much to ask that people learn. Sarah Palin’s wardrobe expense drew incredible boos from the left yet they applaud no matter what their guys do.
Listen up all you reasonable lefties and moderates out there…when you get tired of the hope and change these folk are offering you might want to take another look at the concept the elite lefties always derided…it’s called trickle down and it works for everyone..