Posted by Tina
It was recently suggested that the present administration wouldn’t dream of turning this country into a Soviet style Marxist nation. There is evidence, however that those who serve Obama have very strange notions about the economy; ideas that would stifle creativitiy, freedom and enterprise. Yes, it’s the science czar…again:
“Obama’s Science Adviser Called for ‘Zero Economic Growth’,” by Christopher Neefus –
At a time when it was popular among environmentalists to talk about capping pollutants, John Holdren was writing about placing “caps” on the U.S. economy itself–and working toward “zero economic growth.” ** Holdren, who is now President Obama’s top adviser on science and technology policy, wrote in the 1970s that it would be “entirely logical” to cap the Gross National Product–the total productivity of the American economy. ** “It is by now abundantly clear that the GNP cannot grow forever. Why should it?” Holdren asked in a 1977 college science textbook he co-wrote with Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, titled “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment.” ** “Why should we not strive for zero economic growth (ZEG) as well as zero population growth?” ** The pertinent chapter, “Changing American Institutions,” discusses what the authors perceived as problems in America’s social mores, government, and economic system, which they say makes it “the leader in humanity’s reckless exploitation of Earth.” ** The United States, they argued, should focus on limiting the amount of physical product produced and in circulation.