Tea Party Members Will Converge on State Capitol Friday!

August 24, 2009 – Chico, CA – Tea Party to converge on State Capitol in 4 Days

* Unique, First-time Coalition of Thousands to Protest Government Over-Regulation

* Central Valley water issue, repeal of AB 32, High taxes among top Job-killer issues

Sacramento — In response to the Central Valley water crisis, crippling government over-regulation, and oppressive taxes, the Tea Party Patriots plans to hold a major protest on the steps of the California State Capitol THIS Friday, August 28th.

During the massive event, sponsored by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, thousands of Californians will stand shoulder-to-should in a unique coalition that has never been seen before – farmers, farmworkers, families, truckers, loggers, elected officials, contractors, manufacturers, taxpayers, and others – which will converge on the Capitol to protest growing Government over-regulation, over-taxation, and the Eco-Tyranny that is destroying California’s economy.

WHO: Tea Party Patriots of California

Jon Coupal – Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Coalition for a Sustainable Delta

Alan Autry – Families Protecting the Valley

COLAB – The Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business

Piedad Ayala – Water for All

Congressman Devin Nunes (21st Congressional District, Central Valley)

Lew Uhler – President, National Tax Limitation Committee

Citizens for California Reform – Part-time Legislature advocates

Recall Anthony Adams

Norman “Skip” Brown – plaintiff against CA Air Resources Board

National Tea Party Patriots leaders – Amy Cramer and Jenny Beth

Westside Farmers

California Associated Loggers


Laney Trucking

Bettencourt Commodities, Inc.

Robinson Enterprises

McClernon Trucking, Inc.

DJ Rocha Trucking, Inc.

Len Smith Trucking

Mike Murray Trucking

Taxpayer groups from across California

Local Chapters of Tea Party Patriots from across California

WHEN: THIS Friday, August 28, 2009 – Noon – 5p.m.

WHERE: West Steps, State Capitol

Hot topics will include:

A government shutdown of water pumps in Central California that has turned vast swaths of once-fertile farmland into a dustbowl. The shutdown, which has led to 40% unemployment in rural farming towns has been argued by environmentalists to protest a 2-inch long “minnow,” but in effect, the government’s decision has turned California’s farmers into an endangered species by devastating their livelihoods.
The far-reaching “Global Warming Solutions Act” known as AB 32, which leading scientists say will do nothing to stop global warming but instead costs $4,000 per California family, $50,000 per small business, and a total loss of business at $180 Billion.

High, oppressive Taxes that continue to come from California’s State Legislature. The Tea Party said it on April 15th, they said it on May 19th, and they’ll say it again: no new taxes.

“Californians are in no mood for more government regulation and taxation,” said Mark Meckler, California Tea Party Patriots Co-Coordinator and National Tea Party leader. “Sacramento is about to hear from the folks they’ve been keeping under their thumb, on everything from water to jobs to taxes to environmental over-regulation. The voice of the people will be heard loud and clear on 8/28.”

Tea Party Patriots expects supporters to be taking buses and trains from all over the state, and believe turnout could exceed that of the April 15th Tax Day Tea Party rally.

“Taxpayers are fed up with near-criminal fiscal mismanagement of our state,” said Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, a major backer of the Tea Party event. “We are in the midst of a Tax Revolt we haven’t seen since Prop. 13 Politicians would be wise to take note that Taxpayer demand real solutions to our problems instead of the tired old policies of higher taxes and more regulation, things which have gotten into this mess.”

For more information, the public can visit the official event website: http://www.Sac828.com.

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