UNESCO Wants Control of Your Kids


by Tina Grazier

Do you remember collecting pennies for UNICEF on Halloween to help children in poorer countries? It was a nice gesture and gave kids a chance to voluntarily participate in a good cause. We ran door to door collecting pennies along with our treats to help other kids around the world. Parents, advised ahead of time were ready with lots of loose change.

Parents today better be ready for a totally new UN. The UN organization UNESCO has come a long way since those lazy hazy autumn days of our youth! Their ideas are a whole lot bigger now and a whole lot more personal too. In fact the newest idea is so profound they have declared it is an entitlement for ALL KIDS. I won’t go into explicit detail; lets just say they used to tell you if you did it you’d go blind!

Pay attention Mom & Dad…UNESCO is after your job. The intention, population and environmental management and control, is intrusive, offensive and a bit creepy!

“U.N. Agency Calls for Teaching Children 5-to-8 Years of Age about Masturbation,” by Christopher Neefus

(CNSNews.com) – A June report from the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) suggests children of all countries and cultures are entitled to sexual and reproductive education beginning at age five. ** The report, called International Guidelines on Sexual Education, was released in June in conjunction with the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), an organization which works for universal access to “reproductive health care.” ** In its rationale for creating the guidelines, the UNESCO report said it is “essential to recognize the need and entitlement of all young people to sexuality education.” An appendix backed that claim by pointing to a 2008 report from the International Planned Parenthood Federation that argued governments “are obligated to guarantee sexual rights,” and that “sexuality education is an integral component to human rights.”

One of the consultants for this “report” has been associated with “Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States,” (SIECUS). This organization wants to ensure that, “every person has the right and access to sexual and reproductive health, so that humanity and the natural environment can exist in balance and fewer people live in poverty.” SEICUS stated concern, as stated on their website, is the “depletion of natural resources”.

Read the article to discover the guidelines for each age group and hang on to your sovereignty people…they are coming after every child’s mind.

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