Gunning for GW & the CIA

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Posted by Tina

“Almost eight years ago, jetliners slammed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. Americans, in their rage and grief, demanded to know who had attacked them. And they expected their government to do everything in its power to prevent another attack, which everyone thought was imminent. In the months after Sept. 11, 2001, American interrogators had an urgent mission: Extract information from terrorism suspects about future attacks as quickly and effectively as possible.” – Chicago Tribune Editorial

Read the entire Chicago Trib editorial and then fast forward to this one….

“When Al Gore clearly violated the law, Eric Holder found no controlling legal authority and shut down the case. Now, when the controlling legal authority clearly shows no violation of law, Holder has unleashed the prosecutors to go after the nation’s most crucial line of defense against terror.” – Andrew McCarthy

Mr. McCarthy’s article is also a must read…it’s a matter of life and defense!

“Remember ‘No Controlling Legal Authority’? – The CIA probe shows once more that the law does not control this attorney general,” by Andrew McCarthy – National Review

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