Will There Be a “Propaganda Czar”?

Posted by Tina

“All the President’s Czars” could become the next national best seller if the practice of appointing unelected, unaccountable overseers in the White House continues. Recent news makes me wonder just who might be tapped to become the presidents official propaganda czar…read on fellow patriots:

“Film Producer Accuses NEA of Enlisting Artists to Push Obama’s Domestic Agenda”

A 39-year-old Los Angeles film producer is accusing the National Endowment for the Arts of initiating a “call to action” to artists to support President Obama’s domestic agenda. ** The film producer, Patrick Courrielche, said he was one of roughly 75 artists, musicians, writers, poets and others on an Aug. 10 conference call hosted by the NEA, the White House Office of Public Engagement and United We Serve, a nationwide initiative launched by Obama to increase volunteerism. ** Courrielche said officials on the hour-long call — including NEA Director of Communications Yosi Sergant and Michael Skolnik, political director for hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons — encouraged the artists on the line to create works of art in their respective fields related to health care, energy and the environment. ** “What I heard was a well thought-out pitch to encourage artists to create art on these issues,” Courrielche told FOXNews.com. “We were told we were consulted for a reason, and they specifically stated those issues as the issues we should focus on, to plant the seed. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what they’re attempting to do.” ** The NEA did not respond to several requests for comment, but others familiar with the conference call dispute Courrielche’s version of events, saying the purpose was a broad pitch for artworks on the theme of public service. ** “The word volunteerism was never used,” Courrielche said. “Service was the word being used and it was in specific areas, those being health care, energy and the environment.” ** Courrielche said the now ubiquitous Obama “Hope” poster by artist Shepard Fairey and musician will.i.am’s “Yes We Can” song and music video were offered as “shining examples” of the artist group’s clear impact on Obama’s landslide election.

Hmmm…is the White House soliciting specific material to promote it’s agenda? Is that something the President should be doing? And what if Courrielche is wrong? Can we expect praise for works of art highlighting “healthcare, energy and the environment” that don’t agree with the administration’s position on these issues? Would such works be considered “shining examples” of “service” to the country? Will those artists also be considered for endowment by the NEA? And finally, will Obama appoint a special Czar; someone to administer and watchover this artists special “service” corps?

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