Big Tea Party Protest In Sacramento – Huge Success

by Jack Lee


The Silent Majority were not silent this day! By a number of estimates the Tea Party Protest in Sacramento probably exceeded a total 22,000 people, with anywhere from 4,000-7,000 actually at protest site at any given time.

The Chico Tea Party group rented a bus and many others from this area went by car and met up on the Capital steps where they marched and carried signs throughout the day. The Tea Party group across America has no party affiliation, they are just people fed with the big growth in government that has been edging us towards socialism. They want to hold the line on taxes and dump Obama’s massive Health Care Plan.

The blistering heat caused many people to come and go, so it was hard to get an accurate estimate of just how large the crowd was for the entire day. But, what was not hard to see was the crowds enthusiasm! They were very vocal and they drove the point home, this is where the people make a stand against big government.


The speeches and entertainment were non-stop from 10 a.m. on to well after 3:30 p.m. On scene were at least a dozen petitioning booths that included the Howard Jarvis Tax reform folks, Sacramento County Taxpayers Assoc. Among the booths that had my particular interest was petition to turn California’s legislature into a part time legislature…less time they have in office the less time they have to govern poorly and spend money. Makes sense to me! Another petition seeking to be on the 2010 ballot was the “Baby Anchor” opposition. This bill says people who come here illegally and have a child are not automatically granted citizenship. This is in keeping with most western nations. It is also in keeping with a fundamental rule of American law that is called, “The fruits of the poisonus tree”. Normally, you can’t produce something legal when its foundation was illegal. Example, a police officer can’t execture an illegal warrant and then produce legal evidence, no more than an illegal alien can sneak into the USA and produce a baby and say it is an American. Eept they can under current law because of a loop hole! This is a big loop hole in the law and the initiative would close it.

The gathering was remarkably civil and friendly. And one telling part was this crowd picked up after themselves, there wasn’t a scrap of paper left on the ground anywhere. Remember the Obama Innauguration? It looked like a gargage dump once his people cleared out. Tonns of trash everywhere and this was from the people who love the earth so much. What a crock.

No doubt the event would have been much larger if it were not for two things, the heat and the fact that most people work on Friday.

Now just a few more pictures, look at how thick the crowd. They acctually took up 75% of the front lawn and sidewalk area between the Capital steps from 10th and L to 10th and K. One of readers reported the media said there was about 1500 people there! lol Actually one of the speakers called it, he said wait until the media reports they’ll probably give us about 100! He was joking of course, but turns out the joke wasn’t too far off the mark


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