Progressives Only Want to Help

Posted by Tina

Ronald Reagan famously said that the most terrifying words in the English language are, “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” The Washington Examiner offers the latest example from the very progressive DC:

“Memo to suburbanites: Government doesn’t want you to live there any more,” by Mark Tapscott – Washington Examiner

If you like living in the suburbs, having your own little piece of God’s green Earth, and being part of the community schools, churches and civic groups, well, too bad because the “Smart Growth” progressives in Congress and the National Reseach Council have a new report that shows how much better things would be if instead you and your family lived in an urban high rise. *** According to a news alert from the NRC, the report examines “how suburbanization — made possible largely due to the prevalence of automobiles and the extensive U.S. highway system — impacts the number of miles we drive, our reliance on petroleum fuel, and the percent of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. *** “The report looks at studies on compact, mixed-use development where people live in denser environments with jobs and shopping close by, to determine whether a shift to this type of land use could lessen vehicle use, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.”

Well of course it could…but it’s nobody’s business where and how you and I choose to live.

If developers want to take a risk on their own dimes to create such developments, and if people then choose to live in them, terrific…I’m all for it! But forcing those choices…micromanaging where we live, how we travel, where we shop is not OK with me. We don’t require government help when making those decisions and as citizens we should demand to retain the right to make property decisions based on our own personal needs and desires.

This is one of the new fronts in the progressive war on our freedoms….but they aren’t trying to control every aspect of our lives…progressives only want to use the power of government to help. That my friends is a soft, covert form of fascism…I say, no thank you.

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