Kabul: Guards Gone Wild – Fire Everybody Involved!


Internal security at US embassies is the purview of the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group, a battalion-sized organization of U.S. Marines that have detachments posted at American embassies, American consulates and other official United States Government offices. When you walk into a US embassy, the first thing you see is Post #1, that post is detailed to a United States Marine Security Guard (MOS 8153),

He is spit and polished, and is the first image of the American military that most foreign nationals will ever see. As such, he is squared away, and does his job in a professional manner. External security is usually reserved for the host country. It appears to me that, in Kabul, the Afghan government would not or could not provide this external security so the US State Department hired a private contractor to provide that service. External security at the US embassy in Kabul is contracted out to Wackenhut Services, Inc. (through ArmorGroup North America).

Security at the US embassy in Kabul is being undermined by a breakdown in discipline


and morale among guards, some of whom have been subjected to “deviant hazing,” a watchdog group charged Tuesday. The nonprofit Project On Government Oversight (POGO) said on its website it had sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton detailing the problems, which also include language barriers between Nepalese Ghurkas and other guards. It said it had obtained many emails, photographs, and videos that “portray a Lord of the Flies environment,” referring to the title of the novel by William Golding about stranded school boys who turn into savages on a desert island.


In the letter dated September 1, POGO said it launched its investigation after around one-tenth of the 450 guards and supervisors responsible for security at the embassy contacted the group. They sought “to express concerns and provide evidence of a pattern of blatant, longstanding violations of the security contract, and of a pervasive breakdown in the chain of command and guard force discipline and morale.” It said such an environment has led to “chronic turnover” among the guards and has undermined security at the embassy where around 1,000 US diplomats, staff and Afghan nationals work.

Drunken brawls, prostitutes, hazing and humiliation, taking vodka shots out of buttcracks– no, the perpetrators of these Animal House-like antics aren’t some depraved frat brothers. They are the private security contractors guarding Camp Sullivan, otherwise known as the US Embassy in Kabul.

It’s not like embarrassing photos has never been leaked to the press before and deviant behavior (Abu Grahib) has never ever caused national embarrassment! So, it makes you wonder what kind of ignorant morons we’re hiring for security? Who is in charge of their discipline? All of these contractors should be fired immediately and sent back to wherever they came from and be black listed from ever working for the US government or one of our contractors ever again. Turn over security immediately to the Marines…get these bums out of there! But, we should not stop there, we should fire all the government officials that hired Wackenhut! Maybe the next group of bureaucrats will be more careful about who they hire and the kind of discipline that will be maintained!

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