“God And Country” Fly Over Cancelled – People Angry at Obama

by Jack Lee

For the first time in 42 years the “God and Country” rally was denied a fly over by USAF jets. Rev. Patrick Mahoney said the only thing that has changed in all this time is the current person in the White House. The Rev. and his group are angry and want to have an investigation why they were denied! They have been told by the Pentagon they were denied because the military can’t favor one particular religion or group, and this was more or less viewed as a Christian event. Rev. Mahoney says this is not true, this was an event to celebrate faith, it was non denominational. Rev. Mahoney pointed out the name of the rally was God and Country! They had a number of military personnel there and recruiters were swearing new recruits and those new soldiers were looking forward to the fly over. Rev. Mahoney said the US Constitution provides for freedom of religion, not freedom from religion and many people are outraged and angry and think the Obama administration is going too far to appease the radical left. The fact the White House recently supported a gay and lesbian day was not missed in their criticism.

Watch this video.

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