9/12 Tea Party March on DC – Review


Posted by Tina

Some are claiming a million or more were in attendence at the Tea Party event, others that there were “only” 30 to 40 thousand. This brings to mind the controversy surrounding the numbers during the Million Man March in 1995.

Million Man March – October 1995 – Wikipedia

“After a heated exchange between leaders of the march and Park Services, researchers at Boston University estimated the crowd size to be 850,000 still fell short of the organizers’ estimate of over one million. [7] Although the BBC NEWS stated that the number was 1.9 million.[citation needed] The controversy over the number of men who actually participated in the March has yet to be firmly resolved.”

Whatever the number, the crouds look to be very similar. The photo’s below of the Million Man March allow you to decide by comparison how significant this march was in terms of turnout.


Another aspect of this march has to do with civic responsibility and good manners. Taking care to keep the planet clean and to clean up litter has been a big agenda item for Americans over the course of my lifetime. My parents were very strict about holding on to my trash until I could put it in an appropriate trash container. The photo below is a shot of the area in DC following the Sept 12th Tea Party event:

1003-After Tea Party Rally.jpg

The photo clearly shows that Tea Party participants acted responsibly to keep the grass areas and streets clean and free from damage.

The photo’s featured below are shots that were taken following President Obama’s inauguration. While I acknowledge the number of people present at the inauguration was much greater, which may explain the need to completely replace the grass, there is really no excuse for the trash left behind by those present in support of the Democrat victory and the historic swearing in of their candidate for president Barack Obama.

1004-After Obamas inaugeration 02.jpg
1005-After Obamas inaugeration 03.jpg
1006-After Obamas inaugeration 01.jpg
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