Media Bias Unmasked



In 1985, fewer than half (45%) said news organizations were politically biased, while 36% said news organizations were careful to AVOID bias. Today, according to the PEW Research Center, by greater than two-to-one (65% to 26%) say the MAINSTREAM PRESS IS BIASED!. Oh….golly gee. I wonder why!

Could it possibly be that not a single news organization (except Fox News) covered the story of Van Jones until AFTER he resigned? Van Jones, the admitted Communist appointed by Barack Obama to be the “Green Czar.” The mainstream press just looked the other way.

Remember the three-day demonstration in Washington DC by anti-war demonstrators which was covered sun up to sun down by the major news outlets? We were treated to the marchers, being led by drum-thumping bearded pot smokers. Compare that with the way the media treated the latest Patriot March in DC. It’s almost as if it never happened. The Tea Parties held across America were said to be a gathering of right-wing fringe kooks.

Or could it possibly be that ACORN (the political arm of the Democrat party) has been ripping off the taxpayers for years but nobody cared? It took the efforts of a pair of amateur sleuths to do what CBS’S Sixty Minutes should’ve done, BUT DIDN’T.

According to Dan Gainor, reporter for Fox News, the ACORN story had everything you could ever want – corruption, sleazy actions at tax-funded organizations, firings, government ties, sex, hookers. It’s a network news director’s dream. Imagine the ratings. But, almost no one covered it…..EXCEPT FOX NEWS.

Shortly after Fox News broke the story, ACORN issued a press release that was picked up by the mainstream press. It read: “The relentless attacks on ACORN’s members, its staff and the policies and positions we promote are unprecedented. An international entertainment conglomerate, disguising itself as a ‘news’ agency has expended millions, if not tens of millions of dollars, in their attempt to destroy the largest community organization of black, Latino, poor and working families in the country. It is not coincidence that the most recent attacks have been launched just when health care reform is gaining traction.”

Well….that was then….this is now. The Senate has voted overwhelmingly to prohibit HUD grants from going to ACORN. The Census Bureau has cut all ties with ACORN. Arrest warrants have been issued in Florida for ACORN employees who allegedly falsified voter applications. That’s just the beginning. Senator Richard Shelby is calling for a complete investigation by the FBI into all facets of the ACORN organization.

All of this, heretofore, ignored by the mainstream press. Is it any wonder that over half (65%) of the general public considers the mainstream press to be politically biased? Is it any wonder that Fox News is stomping all over the other news networks, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, when it comes to viewership? You’d think they’d wise up, huh?

Will they ever? Nope! Why? Because they’re left-wing liberals….and left-wing liberals NEVER learn. They’re like pigs in a sty. It’s dirty, muddy, filthy in there…and it stinks. But they don’t seem to mind.

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