
Posted by Tina

California, once a shining success, a state to take great pride in, has become the poster state for what not to do if you want to be successful. The state has indulged in excess and mismanagement to the point of near implosion. If people continue to bail out, and if something smarter isn’t tried soon, I fear one day that we will have become the great “ghost state” of the old west. You would think our leaders would notice that their incompetence has brought us to this great shame and reverse course. You would think they would look at what they have done in the past and then try the opposite. But Noooooooooo! Instead our governor and a few pals believe a shiny new toy, and the debt that comes with it, is just the thing to make us once again “great.” The Guv says we need to “keep up with the Jones'” (of Europe no doubt):

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was joined by several state and local officials Friday at Union Station in downtown Los Angeles to announce California’s application for $4.7 billion in federal money to fund a high-speed rail line. ** “It’s disgraceful for America to be so far behind in terms of infrastructure,” Schwarzenegger said, referring to international high-speed rail projects. “America must catch up. . . . We need to now have Washington’s help” – LA Times

So with holes in our own pockets…and not even a pot for soup…we are now going to beg the rest of the country to buy us a train? What is wrong with these people?!?

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